News & Updates
Telugu badi
International Telugu Badi is a Global, non profit, cooperative, community service initiative for encouraging Learning & Teaching of Telugu Language & Telugu Culture. It is initiated and supported by several enthusiastic volunteer parent teachers, friends, language lovers and community service advocates. Our Vision is to see the Telugu Language Learning Enhanced on the World Canvass. Our goal is to energize the Global Telugu Community Linguistically & Culturally by encouraging and supporting the Learning & Teaching of Telugu Language and Culture. Please keep visiting this area for the latest updates on this initiative and the highlights from the several International Telugu Badis.
Currently, International Telugu Badis are running successfully in Austin, Atlanta, Chicago and Chinmaya Mission West-Beaumont, TX. You can see the details of various activities at these centers on these pages. We’ve also included several audio files of padyams, slokams, songs & stories and other tools in the download section in order to help other International Telugu Badis. The International Telugu Badi web portal is being launched on the Vijaya Dasami day. We hope you enjoy the content and appreciate the effort. We welcome you to submit your comments & suggestions by using the feedback forms.
2019 Telugu Vani
- more information contact info@internationaltelugubadi.org
- For more Information go to http://www.internationaltelugubadi.org/